Dear Fans!
Here is the list of photographers chosen by Tarja based on several thousands of great shots received for the photo gallery of “ACT II” DVD and Blu-Ray.
Thank you all for taking part in the contest! The winners will be contacted soon via e-mail.

- Albert Jolen
- Alberto Gandolfo
- Alena Svambergova
- Alexandr Grigorev
- Ana Cedillo
- Baptiste Fajeau
- Bernard Thant
- Caio Cezar Da Silva Martori
- Caroline Misokane
- Cenan Gercekci
- Charlotte Frese
- Daniil Kireev
- Dominika Novakova
- Eddy Jolen
- Emilie Garcin
- Enrique Fabian Alaniz
- Eric Pefley
- Fabio Oriani
- Federico Cerioni
- Fernando Delmondes Velozo
- Gabriel Hudec
- George Argyris
- Gerben Duijster
- Germán Daniel Díaz
- Gil Pereira
- Gil Perez
- Henk Vinkes
- Hermes Peredo
- Iina Kauppinen
- Ilaria Giombelli
- Irina Samarina
- Joana Monteiro
- Julio Montenegro
- Karina Assis Haddad
- Karina Scheld
- Katarzyna Koszałka
- Kevin Naiad
- Labbe Laurent
- Laura Kathia Bilger
- Lonneke Prins
- Luciana Casado
- Lutz thom Suden
- Lyubomira Yovcheva
- Maaike Essenstam
- Marcell Nix
- Massimo Fiorino
- Matías Carlos Brandán
- Mercedes Anabella Gonzalez
- Mesut Aktay
- Michael Bernartz
- Monika Novotná
- Noel Morgan
- Oscar Marcelo Vargas Oribe
- Paul Kevin Dix
- Paul Marcelo Benitez Cardenas
- Paula Carla Costa
- Paula Desirée
- Pavel Šimo
- Rafal Niziolek
- Rocco Vincenzo Truglia
- Shirley Borges Mello
- Silvia Fabrizio
- Valentina Crescentini
- Valeria Martínez Martínez
- Varya Valovil
- Wendy Steenmans
And the best photos were from:
1. Christian Cardoso
2. Erika van de Staaij
3. Jonatan Velasquez

Tarja fans: amateur or professional photographers.
We would love you to be a part of Tarja’s future CD/DVD/BluRay release “ACT II” with your photos! If you have been or are planning to go to any of the concerts from “The Brightest Summer 2016/2017” or “The Shadow Shows 2016/2017”, this message is for you!
You can take part in the competition starting now, the deadline is 19.01.2018.
Rules are very easy:
Please email your photos to . (win[at]winterstormofficial.com)
Photos should be in the best possible resolution, originals without signatures or watermarks. If you are sending more than one photo, please use a file sharing program like YouSendIt or similar.
Don’t forget to send also photos of the band members, audience, complete band or anything you consider of interest for the artwork.
Add your name, address (postal zip code too) and email address.
Be sure to include the date and location of the show, at which you took the photos and the "transfer of photo right". If you will send photos in more than one occasion during the next months, one copy of the "transfer of photo right” with the first photos is enough.
The photos will be delivered to Tarja, who will personally select the ones that will be used for the “ACT II” artwork.
Every photographer / fan whose photo (or maybe more than one photo) is chosen, will receive a free “ACT II” DVD or BluRay (at your choice). The 2nd and 3rd best photos winners will get 2 tickets for any upcoming Tarja concert plus a free DVD or BluRay and CD set of “ACT II”. The author of the photo chosen by Tarja as the best picture will get 2 tickets for any upcoming Tarja concert and the chance to meet Tarja backstage plus a copy of each format of “ACT II”. More details about the prizes will be announced soon together with the winners.
Once all the photos have been chosen the winners will be notified via email and also announced here. If you have any question, feel free to send us an email at . (admin[at]winterstormofficial.com)
Let the contest begin and good luck!
Please print the following text, sign it, scan it and email it together with your photos to . (win[at]winterstormofficial.com)
I hereby authorize NEMS Enterprises SRL or a third party they decide to use my photographs (as a whole or portions thereof in unchanged form or in any adapted form, e.g. changed photographically or on the computer, colored, touched up, etc. in any possible way and in any technical form) that I took during a show of Tarja Turunen without any fee or compensation of any kind for the purpose of using in the artwork of the “ACT II” release (in all printed and/or digital format the product will be released) and for any purpose related to “ACT II”. The pictures might be used on Tarja’s official website or for promotional purposes in connection with the release. Therefore, I transfer all exploitation rights concerning the photographs chosen for the release, exclusive and transferable, with no restrictions in content, time or place to NEMS Enterprises SRL.
I warrant that I am the sole holder of all rights transferred by this declaration and that I have not transferred them to a third party before the release. I warrant that I have not adapted the work of third parties for the photo, or if I have that I have acquired all of the rights hereto and that I am entitled to transfer these to NEMS Enterprises SRL. I release NEMS Enterprises SRL from all third-party or co-author claims. NEMS Enterprises SRL will credit me as the photographer in the “ACT II” artwork and website.
Place/Date ……………………………………………………..
Participation conditions: Participation is not dependent on product purchase. Contact information will be used exclusively for contest purposes and future newsletter mailings and will not be given to a third party. The prize will not be substituted with cash. Persons must be at least 18 years of age to be eligible. Employees of earMUSIC, Edel, Tarja and their relatives are forbidden from taking part in the contest. The contest can be terminated or changed at any time without prior notification. Legal recourse is prohibited and no legal correspondence regarding the contest is possible. By taking part in the sweepstake the participant bindingly accepts the participation conditions.