Photo Contest Winners WLB Final Tour 2012
This is the final list for the winners of the photo contest. Tarja hand picked all photos. These photos will be used for the forthcoming What Lies Beneath Tour Book.
All winners can approach the merchandise stand at any Tarja’s shows until the end of the WLB Final Tour 2012 with an ID and pick up their copy. Or please contact Evelyn.Narciso[at]umusic.com for post delivery when you wont be able to attend any of the scheduled concerts. Thanks for taking part in the contest and for the wonderful photos!
- Alena Svambergova
- Bernard Thant
- Christophe Garot
- Cristina Cassino
- Diego Barbieri
- Eva Cervenkova
- Fanny Larcher
- Gabriel Hudec
- Hans Brendestam
- Jana Rabova
- Jaromir Zajicek
- Jean Luc Brausch
- Karina Scheld
- Karolina August
- Laurent Debersaques
- Leen Wouters
- Lucie Rysava
- Maaike Essenstam
- Maciej Sciezor
- Marcin Grzyb
- Marek Gerhard
- Marek Turiak
- Mariel Rohrbach
- Martina Berger
- Maxime Mandrier
- Olga Didenko
- Sandra Wojtowicz
- Tiina Salminen
- Veronica Scalise