178 answers from Tarja
Life, art, dreams, music
1 – I followed with attention your career. Were you afraid of you start something that you have not done yet?
Every beginning is difficult and you always have to face something unknown, but it didn’t make me really nervous. I wanted to trust my own judgements, so it all went actually very well.
2 – How do you spend your free time nowadays?
I love to spend time with my family and friends whenever I can. I go out for a run, to gym, to swim or to movies with my husband. Going out for shopping is never a bad idea either :). Actually I do the exact same things than any other person would do in their free time.
3 – What would change it on your self, internally and externally?
I would like to learn not to stress that much and also learn a way to relax when times are hard and hectic. I am never too happy with my looks, so if I would have the proper time to really take care of myself, I would definitely do it. But this doesn’t mean any plastic surgery!
4 – Do you like Hungarian food?
I have always liked the Hungarian food; especially your goulash is very tasty!
5 – How much you like to listen to the music from Alice Cooper, Cristina Scabbia, Simone Simons, singers concerned?
They are all great in what they do, but I only listen to them occasionally or when we perform at the same festivals. I do buy some bands’ albums, as it is my grain of sand to contribute with their music. I remember I bought Lacuna Coil’s latest album in Virgin Megastore in LA. Now that shop is sadly closed.
6 – How do you manage to combine work and private life?
To be a singer is my lifestyle. Almost everything I do in my private time has something to do with music as well. I love to be an artist and live from it. My husband works with me and is travelling with me on tours, so we have gotten used to combine our love and work without any problems. This might be hard for people to understand, but it means a world to us. Like everyone else, I also need some time off sometimes, but I enjoy my work and it gives me pleasure and energy.
7 – Besides your music, I am very interested in many other symphonic metal bands and artists, particularly a Finnish band called Amberian Dawn. Have you ever heard of them? What do you think about their music and their vocalist, the beautiful and, in my opinion, very talented Heidi Parviainen?
I think that we have played in some festival together or I have seen them in magazines but I don’t remember having listened their music.
8 – I saw a picture of you wearing a San Lorenzo t-shirt. I’m a football fan and suppose you are too. Do you support any football team? Is San Lorenzo your husband’s favourite football team?
Yes, it’s my husband’s favourite football team and mine as well! I like football very much ever since I moved to Argentina and have been many times in the football arenas following the matches. I like to see the reactions and emotions of people. This sport is something that unites many people. In Milan I had the chance to see Inter-Fiorentina many years ago.
9 – I know you came to Italy more than once, of course you have visited Bologna and Milan. What other Italian cities have you been to?
As a tourist I have been in many cities in Italy: Venice, Rome, Firenze, Lago Maggiore area.
10 – I’m studying traverse flute and I know you studied it in past and I was wondering… in which way has this affected your career as musician and singer?
Playing the flute definitely has helped me extremely lot with my breathing technique in singing. Without learning first how to play flute, it might have been way harder to learn how to control the air in classical singing. Of course there is still lot more to learn, but it gave me a good kick to start singing. I still have my flute somewhere… but unfortunately I cannot play that well anymore.
11 – Do you have any desire to try something new in your musical style?
I am all the time trying out something new. When I compose songs, I try not to repeat ideas and I constantly look for some surprising elements. I am very happy with my career in rock and classical music, so I am not really interested in trying a completely different music style than I have done so far. Still, I have plenty of side projects and different kind of plans for the future.
12 – When was the last time you were surprised by someone doing you a vast, unexpected kindness and what was it?
Vast and unexpected kindness?
Hmm… big words. It would be nice to receive such surprises.
13 – Do you actively collaborate with any charity organization or do you have plans for it in the future?
I have done things in the past with Unicef and looking forward what can be done in the future. My current Christmas tour is also offering charity in association with the Finn Church Aid for the poor people in Africa, Asia and America. The concert in Kuusankoski in particular is offering some charity through the Kuusankosken Seurakunta for young musicians.
14 – How would you define the term “being”? In your eyes, what creates the genuine essence of human existence? What is your opinion of the loss of traditional values in our contemporary society? In your point of view, what should a moral person be like, what qualities should he have?
These questions are very interesting and deep, but it would take more than just few lines to answer them.
15 – You most certainly follow the world news, what event - either positive or negative - have you recently been most affected by?
Lately the climate changes and natural disasters since the Tsunami in Thailand few years ago. Then there were earthquakes in Japan, Chile, Haiti and many other smaller ones with less press, but also with many victims. The volcano eruptions in Iceland and Chile… How “small little” changes in the Earth can affect us so much. These events should make people understand how much Mother Earth needs our help.
16 – Your music has changed the lives of many of us. Has any fan story of how you influenced his or her life deeply moved you?
Many times. Several fans or their relatives have approached me to tell their stories. It is surprising and nice at the same time that somehow I have been able to help them with my music.
17 – We know that hadn’t you become a singer you would have devoted yourself to acting. Do you have any favourite dramatist and dramas?
In general I like fantasy, science fiction and drama movies. I haven’t been going to theatres to see plays in a long time. I like the idea of acting very much, because as a performer, acting has a very important role.
18 – You have an official forum you regularly visit, how important source of information and feedback is it for you?
I am not reading the comments of people often. It would affect too much my way of doing music and I don’t want to be influenced by what people are saying about my art or me. I am writing my blog, facebook and twitter but I don’t follow the comments. A bad comment could be very negative for my soul. Also too many good comments could be equally dangerous. There are lot of artists around with piss in their heads and I don’t feel a need for that.
19 – What memory/association comes to your mind when you hear these words/collocations: injustice, global warming, metronome, barbecue, banana dress & microphone?
1-stupid people
3-sometimes I hate it/I love it
4-absolutely amazing
6-it is mine and no one should touch it.
20 – What is the most important message you try to deliver to your fans by your music?
I am not writing my music for my fans. I am not trying to deliver any messages either. I am doing my art for the sake of love, passion and for the fact that is giving me life. To compose music is very personal to me and there are always personal reasons to write a song. I am living my dream.
21 – Do you enjoy fine arts? Who is your favourite artist and piece of work?
I am not that much into fine arts, I like more photography, but I have always liked Picasso and Monet. Since I started travelling all around the world, I stopped going to museums, because the art I prefer is in the streets.
22 – What is your biggest goal to reach as a solo artist?
I don’t put any goals, I just do what I feel and I appreciate the feedback. The goal itself is to be an artist.
23 – What do you feel when you are singing?
Different things, different emotions. It is very complicated to explain my feelings. Sometimes I have to think more about the singing technique; sometimes it’s easier just to think about the music.
24 – You came to Brazil twice in your solo career and you kept in touch with your Brazilian fans. What’s the best memory you have among these moments?
I have been performing in Brazil more than twice and it has always been great. Visiting Rio is always a pleasure. Beautiful city. Visiting the Corcovado was great! Always stopping in a Rodizio for some tasty picanha is a must.
25 – I believe that since the first time we listened to your songs we lived them as a soundtrack of our reality: We are always having moments as Oasis, Dark Star, Underneath… Does the same happen to you? Tell us how it is to live a song that you wrote by yourself.
My own songs bring me back memories of the time they were composed and the feelings and emotions why I wrote them. Is different than songs composed by other artists.
26 – You have been working with both metal and classical in your solo career. Which one is your priority now?
I am not putting priorities to my career. I do things as I feel them.
27 – What do your Finnish fans think about the fact that you consider Argentina as your new homeland? What do they say when you declare you won’t live in Finland anymore?
I don’t know about my fans, but I can tell you about my friends and relatives who have visited my new home in Argentina. They would love to move there too :) The sun, the food, open minded people etc…
28 – In October you came to Brazil to play in Rock in Rio with the band Angra. The concert was excellent but as we know the organization of the event didn’t collaborate as it should, but the fans reacted in a very different way than usual in a situation like that, they kept clapping and singing your name. How is it for you having so passionate fans and how did you feel during these moments in Rock in Rio?
I felt very welcome in Rock in Rio. It was exiting to perform with Angra and despite all the problems; I had a great time with them and with my Brazilian fans. I got very surprised by the magical reaction of the audience and I am really looking forward to return to Rock in Rio with my own band one day.
29 – How much do you think you changed, artistically and personally, since the beginning of your career? Did you feel these changes? I also would like to know how you developed yourself vocally, as a songwriter and solo singer.
In the beginning everything was new and exciting and now after having an experience to tour all around the world and make music on my own for several years already, of course I have learned what I want and like to do and what I don’t. I have also grown as a woman, not only as an artist because when I started in music business, I was very young and naive. I am constantly taking singing lessons from my teacher, because I feel there is no end to that process. As a songwriter I am still taking my baby steps and learning day after day new stuff about it.
30 – You also have a lot of quiet, calmer songs. Have you ever considered the idea of doing a complete acoustic tour? Or to see it even bigger, another metal opera?
No, I haven’t considered it. When artists are running out of ideas is normal to see them playing acoustic shows and doing cover albums. I am still not there :)
31 – What was the last metal CD you bought?
The Lost Children from Disturbed.
32 – Harus, a huge WLB Final Tour of What Lies Beneath, a new Rock album, … Do you never feel like you need a long rest (not that we want you to).
Sometimes yes. I also have my limits like everyone does. On the other hand I enjoy my art that much that it keeps me happy and healthy. Actually I am at the moment working in 5 more projects that you didn’t mention!
33 – You’re back in Finland now. How do you feel about that?
I am happy that it is not that cold here as I expected. Now the sun is shining which feels more like a miracle. Anyway, it is really tough to cope with the darkness. It gets dark already at 15:00 in the afternoon and it’s only getting worse. I am on tour so the time is passing by quickly. It’s lovely to see Finnish people and hear their feedback from my concerts.
34 – There are a lot of moose signs in Finland. What do you think about them?
I love driving a car in general and in Finland you should pay attention to those moose signs because they can save your life. It is a common accident to get hit by a moose.
35 – If you were in the Titanic, what would you do? Would you escape in a boat? Would you stay in the bedroom with Marcelo, waiting the end? Or would you stay singing with the orchestra?
I would try to save Marcelo and myself, of course.
36 – Do you consider that your single career is a reborn for you?
For the first time in my career I do what I love the most. I am very grateful for having the opportunity and privilege to be an artist. Though I was never dead :)
37 – Most people think that you are the “Madonna of metal”, and many of your fans, men and women, are homosexual. Did you think that it would be in this way? What kind of things do you when the girls are screaming “I love you” when you are in the stage?
I shout back “I love you too”! Of course I am fully aware that I have many homosexual fans and I think it’s just amazing.
38 – Which is the most extreme thing that a fans has done for you?
Still I get shocked when the fans are showing me their tattoos with my name or face. A tattoo is something that you carry with you all the time.
39 – Would you like to try singing in another voice-style?
I am experimenting with my voice all the time, but I am not really interested to learn another style of singing. I still have a lot of work to do with classical training and that keeps me motivated.
40 – What memories do you have about your fans of Winter Storm Chile, in your last visit?
I remember the meeting in the hotel a day before my show. There were lots of cameras and smiling people around.
41 – Is there a lyric that identifies some stage in your life?
Not from other writers. I have never really felt that there was a song that tells a story of my life. But my lyrics are somehow linked with my life.
42 – After you denied one pregnancy this year, were rumours about this to be your last concerts before dedicating to your maternity. If this were true, will you still composing? Even lullaby?
I am composing songs for my new album all the time and that wouldn’t change if eventually I would get pregnant one day. I am a performing artist and I live for music, so the fact that I would become a mother wouldn’t change that. By the way I composed some years ago a song called “Lullaby”. Maybe I will use it one day in a soundtrack 😉
43 – Tarja, a person, a complete artist that has been around the world…do you recognize your fans when you go back to a country?
I have quite a good memory in remembering faces, but not their names. I meet so many new people every day that sometimes it is rather impossible to remember if I have met the person before in my life or not, but most of the time I recognise them.
44 – I know you’ve made some duets in your career like the songs you made with Martin Kesici, Doro, Scorpions and others, so I would like to ask you if we could expect some other duets, specially with other female metal voices such as Simone Simons (Epica), Sharon den Adel (Within Temptation), Floor Jansen (ReVamp) or Tony Kakko, I think that would be very interesting
Nothing is impossible.
I think all of the names you mentioned are great musicians and there are many other musicians too that could be a perfect match with my voice.
45 -How did you manage to develop in Classical music and Metal in such a bright way?
To keep on making progress as a classical singer helps me to sing metal better as well. It is very important for me to take singing lessons time to time, because there is always something new you can learn out of singing. It’s impossible to know or be the best in everything. I have been very lucky to be able to find a balance between classical music and metal even though it hasn’t been always easy. That’s why it is important for me to stay open for new ideas and challenges because they make me a better artist.
46 -Despite everything, what motivates you to move on?
If I see a progress in my singing it makes me work even harder with my voice and technique. It is very motivating to be able to sing songs or arias that I haven’t been able to sing before, or in which I have had difficulties before. There are so many things that I am willing to learn from music still and the most challenging at the moment is the song writing. Also my lovely fans are the running force behind me making me believe in myself.
47 – You mentioned once that if you hadn’t been a singer, you’d have been an actress and we have seen you in a few shows in your home country. If, currently, you could work in a more formal project, would you like to do it?
Of course, it would be just lovely! I would love to take time to learn more about acting if there would be an opportunity.
48 – You have mentioned in several interviews that you like to listen to movie soundtracks and that, in a certain way, your music has been influenced by that particular music. Have you ever considered or would you like your music to be a part of a soundtrack?
It is a dream of mine to compose music for a soundtrack. I hope this could happen one day. I would definitely be ready for the challenge and there might be some directors interested already 😉
49 – How do you picture yourself if you hadn’t established your artistic career? What other passions would you have experimented to achieve success (personal, artistic)? How would your daily routine be?
Since I was a little child I wanted to become a musician, so it is very hypothetical to think another career or a life without music. Everything I do is somehow linked with music in my daily life. Whether I compose, practise singing, make sports because I need a good condition for singing, plan and work for my concert tours etc. In my life there is not such a routine where every day happens the same things.
50 – What do presents from your fans mean to you? Do you keep all of them? Which one has been the most representative?
I have a room at home full of presents from my fans from all around the world! Sometimes it hasn’t been possible to carry all the presents with me while being on tour, since there hasn’t been any space in my luggage, nor I haven’t been able to fly with too many heavy bags. So I ended up sending them back home via cargo! That’s why I have been telling my fans that they shouldn’t give me presents because it is getting harder and harder to travel. All the things that I have received during many years have special meaning to me. They tell stories about cultures and individuals.
51 – What is the funniest thing you remember doing in your childhood?
Together with my friend Sirja we used to tease our younger brothers Toni and Kim every summer time until they were angry red! We decided it was not funny any longer when they got big enough to kick our asses back.
52 – What does Tarja Turunen talk about with her husband in a quiet night?
Oh, I think that’s pretty personal!!! :) HE-HE.
53 – What is the soundtrack of your life?
The Greatest Love of All from Whitney has always been great to listen to. It was my goal to be able to sing it one day when I was still a kid. Phantom of the Opera lead me to classical singing.
54 – How do you picture yourself in 20 years?
Hopefully I am still alive! I cannot even think that far, I live my life day by day. Anyway, I believe I would still be singing and performing, having a beautiful family with my husband and hopefully happy with my life as I am today.
55 – What is the strangest thing Tarja Turunen has at her home?
Nothing really. Is a new place so we decided just to bring in what was needed :) And that everything is strictly in black and white.
56 – If you go shopping do you come back full of stuff?
I love shopping, but I am really careful, so very rarely I buy things that I really don’t need. Shopping for me means the fact that I can go out with my friend to have a good time, coffee and a good laugh.
57 – What do you think of nuclear power plants?
I am against them.
58 – You used to live in Finland now you live in Argentina, what is the difference between Christmas traditions in this countries? What is typical for Finland and what is typical for Argentina?
In Argentina the Christmas celebrations and traditions are completely different than in Finland. The only thing that is common in both cultures is the importance of the family in Christmas time. It is summer and normally really hot in Argentina during Xmas, so the helpers of Santa are running with shorts and chocolates are melting in the shadows! There are only few traditional sweet things to eat and a good barbecue will be welcome. In Finland the food is an important part of the Christmas celebrations within the families and we have several meals that you will always find at each table. You eat and eat all the time! Another big difference is that in Argentina they are firing fireworks even in Christmas, not only in a New Year. In Finland Christmas is very quiet time. On the other hand in Finland many people go out to the bars and get very drunk. This has nothing to do with the Christian celebrations!
59 – You are an idol for many girls, did you have any idol when you were a child?
My mom.
60 – Before your latest album (WLB) was released, you had mentioned many songs like Love to Hate or Witch-Hunt you have performed in Plovdiv or on Halloween concert in 2009. What’s the matter with those songs? And especially with Witch-Hunt? Will we hear it on your last WLB tour?
I hope I can use that those songs in some of my future projects or albums. Maybe for a movie?
61 – Is there any song you do not like anymore?
62 – We see you as kind and always smiling person - is there anything what can make you really angry?
Stupid people, injustice, lies and racism are the things that make me angry.
63 – If you were on deserted island, who would you take with you? What 2 things would you take with you? /apart from basic stuff/
My husband, fully furniture prefabricated 400 m2 house and a helicopter with full tank ;)
64 – What was your any travelling dream when you were little? Have you already visited that place? Did it meet your expectations?
When I was young, I always wanted to go to Paris because I’ve heard it might be a romantic city. Now I have visited Paris several times and it has proven my thoughts right. I would love to perform in Notre Dame one day.
65 – Do you have any travelling dreams now?
I would love to be able to see more of Asia and Polynesia where I haven’t been that much yet. I am a scuba diver, so that hobby of mine is taking me to places where I’ve always wanted to go or to places that I didn’t even know they exist. Maybe one day I could do a diving safari somewhere in Polynesia…would be awesome!
66 – If you could pick one word to describe yourself, what is it and why?
67 – Who were some of your musical influences? Who do you admire as a singer? Who are some of your favorite metal bands?
Some influences that are coming to my mind at the moment: Craig Armstrong, Peter Gabriel, Ann Sofie von Otter, Tori Amos, Queen. As singers I admired Whitney Houston’s first albums, Peter Gabriel, Renée Fleming.
My favorite metal bands are Avenged Sevenfold, Disturbed, In Flames, Alice in Chains.
68 – When someone offends you what thoughts are passing through your mind and do you feel fan’s support when you are in a difficult time?
It depends how they offend me. It’s not happening every day :) Of course my fans are the vital force behind me and their support is huge. When I doubt myself, just a thought about my dear fans can make me feel better immediately.
69 – Do you like to draw? If so, would you ever share some of drawings with your fans?
I am really bad in drawing, I see myself painting one day. I prefer taking photos.
70 – Rivers of Lust really hit me as I know several people, including myself, that have went through child abuse/molestation? Did you ever experience any as a child? If not, what was your inspiration for the song?
I am sorry to hear that. I haven’t had such experiences myself. I know that there are many people, woman and men that suffered as kids such horrible things. But it was a subject that I wanted to write about and when I had the music of Rivers of Lust composed, it took me there. Usually I hear what the music has to say then I write the lyrics about it.
71 – Would you ever consider using any of your fan’s lyrics or poems as a song on your album?
I don’t think so, but it could be a nice idea for a special project one day.
72 – How do you feel about people calling you “the diva of metal”?
In classical music “Diva” means only a good thing. Some stupid people might have misused the word.
73 – How do you view Domestic Abuse and do you know anyone going through it?
It’s not acceptable. The abuser has no excuses and the abused one should be strong enough to get away from that situation. Nothing could be worse than staying in it.
74 – Are you always happy with and love what you do?
I breathe my music and singing is my way of life. Everything I do has something to do with the fact that I am a singer. Sometimes I have not been able to sing as well as I have wanted, but still I am happy to be able to sing. It is a gift, but without hard work it would be thrown away.
75 – What would you name you kid(s)?
A name that can be pronounced well enough both in Spanish and Finnish.
76 – Will you still do rock music in future or will you by and by switch to classical music?
I have found a perfect balance between rock and classical music and I am not wiling to change that radically. I enjoy deeply the place I am at the moment as an artist and how my voice has been developing throughout these last couple of years. I want to keep on making progress as a classical singer because this development helps me to sing better rock as well. I will be making more and more classical concerts in the future, but at the same time I will be working on my new rock album release and shows. I can definitely do both classical and rock :)
77 – You once wrote [said?], you recognized how important a fitting and inspiring surrounding is for you regarding the writing of songs. What inspires you to write a song? Which places are or what else is inspiring for you?
People around me and the journeys I’ve done so far in my life, are the biggest influences to me and to my art. I need to have a quiet environment around me when I decide to sit down to write a song. I also like piano as an instrument and the melancholic sound of it inspires me.
78 – You once played together with Van Canto. How has it been for you, would you join them again when Van Canto would take over larger parts in the project?
It was a brilliant collaboration and I enjoyed a lot to work with Van Canto. I think they are very talented and I believe they did a great job on my last record. In general I love to find new ideas for my future albums because I don’t like to repeat concepts. Of course I wish them only the best for their future.
79 – Do you like animals, and if so, which one is your favourite?
I love animals. When I was young we had few cats and dogs in my family, but my favourite animal is a dog. It is your best friend.
80 – In three sentences: What’s the meaning of Life?
If I would know, I would write a book and sell millions!
81 – What would be your wish if you had one free?
To love and live twice longer with my husband and family.
82 – I am passionate of jewellery so I’ve been tracking yours for quite a long time. I was impressed by the large variety of styles and models, but I also noticed that they don’t often repeat. This is why a certain bracelet that appears in many pictures caught my attention. It is a typical charm bracelet with a tiny heart. It is said that one should write on it commemorative things such as names, events, dates and so on. Is it something special written on yours?
It says: Thank you Tarja. It was a present from a dear family from USA.
83 – My biggest wish was to see you live. You made my wish come true at ARTmania 2011. I hope that you can make another dream come true, and I will see you again in 2012 at Bucharest, where I want to thank you for who you are, and for all you have given to us with your beautiful music. What is your biggest wish?
To be able to sing as long as I live and to follow what my heart says.
84 – I want to ask you about inspiration. What is the thing that inspires you the most, what is, so to speak, the driving force when you make a song?
My life is my biggest inspiration. What I’ve experienced and seen so far make me who I am today as an artist and as a woman. I love to travel and meet people from different countries, feel happy with my art and to be free. That freedom I have found is my running force that keeps me going. Every time I sit down to write a song I have to have a strong idea for what I want to write about and I have to forget my fears and doubts.
85 – In some older interviews from a few years ago you have been mentioning that you were watching TV shows like Prison Break and Fringe, and reading books by Paulo Coelho, John Grisham or Mika Waltari. Are there any other books or TV shows that you have been enjoying since then but that you haven’t mentioned yet?
I love House, The Big Bang theory, CSI and all those ones you already mentioned. From books I am reading Paulo Coelho’s latest - “Aleph” at the moment.
86 – Did you make your band musician’s selection or did you get any recommendation?
I am choosing myself the people that I want to work with. Sometimes I have got suggestions and references from other musicians involved.
87 – You said in interviews that you have dreams to fulfill besides singing. What dreams are to be fulfilled?
I would love to become a mother one day, which could be a great challenge for me as an artist. Another big dream of mine is to stay healthy and keep on making music as long as I live.
88 – What fills you more, speaking of what a fan can do for you?
I appreciate a lot my fans, their support and love. That love is pure and invaluable. Many times an incredible story, a letter or a present of a fan can give me energy to continue in more difficult times.
89 – What attracts you more from argentine culture? Food, cities, landscapes, the people…what do you emphasize?
I love the colors of life in Argentina in a daily life. With colors I mean that nothing is written and that you have to fight for your everyday life.
The people in Argentina are having an open mind and incredible way to survive in situations where many people in other countries would collapse. I enjoy my life in Argentina and the Argentinean culture has made me more open to new things and braver to talk about problems in life.
90 – There is a rumor that you might move to Spain. Is that true?
No. This is absolutely not true. I have read that there has been an interview published where was written that I have an apartment in Barcelona. Well, I don’t have. Maybe the journalist misunderstood me when I told that I have an apartment in Buenos Aires. My home is in Buenos Aires.
91 – Christmas is getting closer and closer and you seem to keep yourself busy with recording your classical album and touring with Harus. How do you find the time to make all the preparations that needs to be done before Christmas?
I will be spending Christmas with my Finnish family this year. They know and accept the fact that I won’t be able to prepare anything for Christmas since I’m going to be touring the whole month. For me Christmas means time to be with the loved ones that unfortunately I cannot see as much as I would like to. I don’t even want to consider running in the shops day before Christmas. I just want to have my family around.
92 – We know that you and Kalevi Kiviniemi are recording a classical album in a church in Finland. We also know that there will be a few versions of Ave Maria, but could you tell us something more about it. Will the album be a part of Harus or is it going to be released as your own?
This album is not a release from Harus even though Kalevi is involved in it. It is actually my first ever classical album. Kalevi suggested me to do this recording already 4 years ago and we planned it and scheduled it more than a year ago. We recorded together with harp, cello and organ several Ave Marias in the famous church of Lakeuden Risti in Seinäjoki, Finland. I hope that this album will see the day of light one day, but we don’t have a release schedule for it yet.
93 – When it comes to get inspiration either for composing music or to achieve calmness at a personal level, besides finding it in nature and tranquil places, what other elements do you take into consideration? Is it really difficult for you to find it in the day-to-day life within the city? If so, why is it and what advise would you give to people who are unable to escape the city walls, but want to find peace, serenity, and spiritual enlightenment?
Music can be very powerful when it comes to that. I have found peace with the help of the music. I whether sit down in front of my piano and play whatever comes to my head randomly, just letting my mind flow or then I listen something that makes me happy and relaxed. I also try to get out to enjoy the light and breath fresh air to my lungs once per day. Sports are helping as well to get my mind free.
94 – What kind of direction in art do you like best, and do you ever get inspired by art when you’re writing your own music?
I like photography a lot. You can easily see the influence of it in my albums artworks. Many times I get very inspired by a beautiful picture. For example I wrote the story of Naiad after I saw the pictures of underwater sculptures in one traveling magazine. It was overwhelming!
95 – You’ve been recording a lot of songs through your career, which song is your favorite from your time with Nightwish and your own solo career? Do you have other songs that you simply cannot stop singing, even at home?
Ghost Love Score from Nightwish and from my solo career it is impossible to mention a favorite one. I have lived long with these songs and gave birth to them, so they all have a significant meaning to me.
96 – You’ve had a very successful solo career so far, but it seems to be colder up North. I remember that you wrote in your blog that you still have a lot more promotion to do in Sweden. I attended the show in Gothenburg, and I know that they didn’t promote that concert at all, which could be seen at the amount of the crowd. How do you think that you could promote yourself more and let the Swedish/Scandinavian people know who you are?
That depends totally on the record company involved and how they work in certain countries. Unfortunately both of my solo records were not promoted properly in Scandinavia. I am really looking forward for a change in the future with my next album. As an artist myself, I cannot do miracles alone. I can make myself available for promotion, but it always depends on other people, their interest, work and commitment.
97 – Do you have any certain goals or dreams that you would like to achieve in Scandinavia; performing at events, hosting a tv show…? Accepting the Nobel prize doesn’t count, sorry!
I would love to be more present in Scandinavia in the future. That depends on many people willing to help me to do so. I also would love to have more concerts in Scandinavia, whether with my band, with Harus or even purely with some classical concert program.
98 – If someone gives you one day from your past life back. What did you wanted to be?
I am really not interested to go back to the past. I am fine with my past and I love to live the present.
99 – And now to our most important question of all: What do you wish to find beneath the Christmas Tree this year?
My dear family! I hope they won’t stay under the tree though during all the holidays…
100 – Have you ever done (or keep doing) any sacrifices in your personal life (friends, family…) in order to keep your career going on?
I don’t see my family as much as I would like to.
101 – Which of your two albums in your solo career you think fits you better as an artist and person?
Both. They are representing me as a whole. You can see and feel me growing up as an artist when you listen my songs. It is a journey.
102 – As far as your future is concerned, have you defined a particular age when you want to stop your rock career and concentrate on opera or you will do this when you feel the time is right?
I am not really thinking like that at all. I don’t want to imagine stopping my rock career just because of my age. I love where I am at the moment as an artist, so I will definitely keep on doing what my heart says as long as I can.
103 – After the covers of two classic hard rock songs from the 80s (Poison, Still of the Night), if you could choose to cover one song from the 90s or the 00s, which would it be and why?
Depends on the project totally. If it is for a live concert, if it is for an album or for something else… it is very hard to give you a proper answer unfortunately.
104 – Over the years you have cooperate with huge names from the rock and metal, like Joe Satriani, Doro, Scorpions, Will Calhoun, Beto Vazquez, and musicians with a classical background like the members of Harus. Would you ever do an album which would be consisted only by co-operations like those or do you prefer to work with your own band?
To say "never" is too much, but it is not in my plans at the moment. I like to do collaborations with different musicians, because it is always very interesting and there is nice to be open and to learn something from them.
105 – What memories do you have from the cooperation with Beto Vazquez and would you ever perform a song of those live, like “Sadness in the night”?
I have a funny story to tell you. First (and hopefully the last) time I threw “a sharp object” to my husband in order to kill him one day before the vocal recordings. I was so pissed off because the lyrics of one of the songs were not fitting into the melody lines in a nice way. So I started to panic and my husband spent the night in rewriting the lyrics! “Nice” memories indeed :). I have many great ballads on my own, so I haven’t really been considering performing that song live.
106 – Which would be your dream cooperation and which is your favorite band?
Singing with Peter Gabriel would be the ultimate match. I think our voices could fit perfectly into a song. I don’t have a favourite band, but I like many bands and artists.
107 – Do you want to share your memories from your visits in Greece?
I remember the last time we were in Athens we could enjoy the Parthenon from our hotel terrace at night with it’s beautiful lights and glory. It was a starry night and we had a great time there together with my band. I also remember having a TV interview in front of the venue and being surrounded by my screaming Greek fans. It was very nice! My visits in Greece have always been really great and I am looking forward to meet my fans soon again.
108 – Two months before your long awaited concerts in Greece for the WLB Final Tour, do you want to send a message to Winter Storm Greece and all the Greek fans?
I want to thank you all for the support and love you’ve been giving me during these amazing years already. I have been waiting for my shows in Greece for a long time, so finally they are going to happen! Always there for me, always there for you.
109 – Some time ago I’ve found information in the Internet that you’re planning to leave the stage for 5 years after ending of your WLB tour. Is it true? What are you going to do during this long holiday?
I’ve come across with this kind of false information already and told to the ones asking the same I am going to tell you now: I never said that I was going to have 5 years holidays. This is absolutely wrong information. I have only said that after the Final Tour with WLB album, my fans won’t see me performing with my band soon again in same places, because I will start my new album production. This will take me some time as any other album production has taken me before. So there will be years before a new tour will take me to the same cities.
110 – Have you ever thought of making video for Rivers of Lust? Do you plan to make video for any song from WLB (except I Feel Immortal and Until My Last Breath)?
There are no more plans for new videos for WLB album. We have considered videos for Anteroom of Death, Underneath and for Sing For Me from MWS, but that is up to the record company involved and they didn’t see any need for them.
111 – When you’re sad, you prefer to keep it to yourself or you share it with someone else?
I am a lucky one to have a dear husband, lovely friends and family to support me whenever I need them.
112 – You are always wearing interesting outfits on stage, what affects your choices?
The music is my inspiration for the outfits. I have always felt how important it is to me to wear clothes that have something to say. I like strong, feminine outfits.
113 – How will your image change with NORDENFELDT? What can you anticipate us? Will you completely change the way you dress?
We discuss the designs with Nordenfeldt deeply together and they are designing me clothes that I like to wear. So my style is not going to change radically, but you will be seeing me wearing beautiful clothes from Nordenfeldt in my future shows and in album artworks.
114 – You always have gorgeous outfits! How can you "name" your "style" of clothes on tour WLB!? Mean, for example, your theme was in previous album – ICE QUEEN, so what can you tell about WLB style?
The concept of the album WLB was always the absence of color. So my stage clothes have been mostly black and white.
115 – Recently we were also pleased with the news that you have signed an agreement with German design company NORDENFELDT, why did you choose them? What do you like in their style? And how long have you been thinking over their offer?
They contacted me so I met with the designer Julia in Germany on my last European tour. She brought me several designs to see and I just loved them. It was a very easy decision to make.
116 – Does it mean that the image of Tarja Turunen will be performed exclusively by NORDENFELDT`s image-makers or will you continue working with your friend Sirja?
I am not working with Nordenfeldt exclusively, but we are definitely working together very closely. For example they are preparing clothes for my next tours and they have already provided me the outfit for the next album cover. I am sure there will be more to come since we are both very excited about our collaboration.
117 – Can you tell us a little about new photo session for your next album?
I saw pics of other artists at the NORDENFELDT site. It looks like it’s gonna be something brutal, something from the Scandinavian myths.
We have already done the photos for my next album in India, but this has nothing to do with Nordenfeldt website nor the fact that I am representing their rockstar collection. The photo session for my album took place in a small city, 3 hours north from New Delhi. The people from the record company that have seen the raw material as taken by the photographer, were already totally excited about it.
118 – Do you feel yourself tired of music sometimes? Do you have such feeling, that you want to forget about the studio and do something else? How do you think, your life turned without music?
I have never had such an urge that I would stop working with music. Music has given me life and I breathe from it. Of course there have been moments when I’ve been very tired and exhausted, but it never have occurred to me that I would leave everything that I have already accomplished behind. I actually become “sick” if I am not rehearsing singing in one week.
119 – Tarja, you took part in “Rock On Volga” this summer in Samara. Now you know some phrases from Russian language, you sang a song “Ya Zdes”, you’re good in it. Are you planning to study this language? And did you like Russian rock?
If I would have just time to do anything else than I am already doing, it would be nice to learn languages. I don’t have time for it at the moment unfortunately. I enjoyed very much performing with Kipelov in Samara. People graced our performance together and welcomed me warmly to Russia.
120 – We have a question about very beautiful song – Naiad:
To say roughly, this song is the main in the whole album. Why Naiad hadn’t been included in the main track-list, and also had been performed so few times in the tour (we were very upset because we didn’t hear it in Russia). And also we are interested in, what does “circle of sixteen turned to stone” mean? What is the circle, who walked around it, and why are sixteen?
When all the songs for the album were decided; I was concerned to have too many slow numbers for it. WLB has a great red line going through it now. It tells the perfect picture which I wanted to tell in the first place in its songs. The song Naiad is very important to me and I love it. But I also love the other ballads, so when it comes to choose songs to include them or not is very hard.
Probably if I would have decided any other day, it could have been different and that it wouldn’t be right or wrong per se. The songs that I record for an album are all “in”. If I have any doubts about a song, I don’t record it. Maybe I feel the style wont fit to the album or that I would like to produce it in a different way that first approached. So, for me WLB are all the songs I recorded for it and not just the ones that made it to the regular version of the album.
The songs that will take part in our set list are being decided before the tours, but I decide the final set list for each concert on the same day. I have already plenty of songs that it is impossible to play all of them in the shows unfortunately, but the good news is that we are preparing songs from MWS and from WLB for the Final Tour. I promise you now that I will try my best to always play as many songs as possible that we haven’t played in the same city before!!
I am not willing to explain my lyrics too much in detail, because I want people to make their own interpretations. They do have a meaning for sure, but that is not as important as what they mean for you.
121 – If you have to paint a picture of your inner world, what would it look like? What would be there (flowers, people, animals, abstraction, etc. ) and what colors would be there?
I think all of that what you mentioned plus all the bright and strong colors of life. The strongest one being black :)
122 – Nowadays, there are a lot of bands that have video blogs besides ordinary. Don’t you want to give it a try in the future?
I don’t have anything against a video blogs, but the problem is that someone should be filming the videos all the time and I don’t enjoy being the one. Still today I prefer taking photos.
123 – Don’t you feel bored about people that do not give you a pass, and even on an ordinary day can meet you in a store/on the street during a walk in hotels and ask you about photos andautographs. How do you feel about such not official meetings?
More awareness your music gets, more awareness your appearance in public gets. It is obvious that people wants to get close to you if they recognize you and it is more than fine for me that this is happening. If I have a chance to give one minute of my time to someone else, I’ll do it with pleasure. Anyway, the fame comes with a price and sometimes it is not easy to live my private life without having a place to be as I am, as a private, normal person.
124 – Tarja, the question will be about Winter Storm fan movement. What qualities of character should you fan/supporter have? What do you like on the concerts and what you dislike? If you were the leader of fan-club how should you organize support on the concert? What do we, your fans and leaders of fan-movements in different countries have to change in structures of fan-clubs in our countries?
My fans are a blessing for me. They already are the running force behind me and I can only be grateful for all the support they are giving me. To see people leaving happy back home after my concerts or getting emotional during my concerts is the best feedback I receive from my work. Then I know that I am doing something important here and someone is listening to my art and me. It is amazing truly. There is really nothing I could mention that I would dislike in my fans during a concert. They’ve been so great to me. I am very lucky to have official fan clubs all over the world and to see that they are fully functioning. I think all the fan clubs can use their imagination in how they want to work and what they want to do. I am very co-operative in that sense when it comes to my fan clubs, because I want them to know that they are very important to me.
125 – What is the most insane and crazy act that you committed in your life?
I gave a hug for a real lion once A hug from a lion girl…
126 – You’re traveling all over the world. What do you know about Ukraine and what would you like to know about our country? Don’t you want to visit Ukraine as a tourist, not only with the performance? And are you going to visit several matches with Marcelo next year during Euro-2012 football championship in Ukraine and Poland?
I would like to know more about your culture, your music and arts. I know that your culture is very much influenced by Christianity, which is also the main religion. So far I have only been in Kiev and haven’t had enough time or possibilities to travel anywhere else in the country even though I would love to.
127 – Tarja, do you believe in Joulupukki and in Christmas miracle and what does this mean to you?
Of course I believe in Santa. He is living in Finland! Christmas is a miracle time of a year because it means normally that I can be with my family and friends.
128 – By the way, do you have a tradition in your family to decorate the Christmas tree? If yes, what do you prefer, artificial or live Christmas tree?
We used to decorate our Xmas tree just a day before Christmas Eve. We definitely have always had a real tree in our living room in every Xmas. The scent of a real tree in the house is part of Christmas.
129 – Soon there will be you concert in Kiev, what would you like to wish to your winterstormies in Ukraine?
My storm! I hope to see you all in my concert in Kiev! I am so excited to return to Ukraine and I am sure we will have a great time together again. Have a merry Xmas and Happy New Year! Love you all.
130 – Will you be doing a classical music concert with HARUS in Italy?
I hope one day we could do concerts in Italy with Harus. Now when we finally have our first live album released, hopefully it will become easier to organize shows outside of Finland.
131 – If Harus lasts for a long time, how will you balance your solo career and be able to satisfy the fans from both careers at the same time?
When we get to that situation we’ll see. I don’t consider having two careers, I have only one.
132 – Hey, it is the beginning of the Harus tour. How were the first shows (in case the shows haven’t started, how have you prepared them?)
The first shows have been a success and went really well. The churches have been full and people have seemed to be happy with what they’ve heard. I was practising quite a lot for these concerts on my own, but it is a tradition with Harus that we rehearsed just two hours together before the first show.
133 – Why did you decide to consider Harus as a full project just now, while you have been doing it for quite some time?
Mainly because we decided to release a live DVD this year from a concert that was filmed and recorded in 2009 we needed to have a proper name to present the project. And we have plans to continue with this ensemble in the future too.
134 – Harus has a different audience than the average rock concert. Do you want to try to bring the Metal fans to your classical shows as well?
I am not trying to convince anybody. I am doing what I love in music. If someone likes what I do, is attending to my concerts. Whether that is in a church, concert hall, rock club or arenas. I love to see that my audience is very broad.
135 – Is there a difference in mood between your new band Harus an your meanwhile long-term rock tour-band?
There are different musicians involved in these two teams, so naturally also the mood differs. They are all great people and I enjoy being with them. I always learn a lot from these musicians as persons, as well as artists. I have been very lucky to find great people to work with me.
136 – Will you go on a larger tour with Harus?
That is our ultimate goal with our first CD and DVD releases. To be able to tour outside of Finnish borders everywhere were people likes good music.
137 – Have you though of touring Argentina with Harus?
We hope that with the help of our first release “Harus In Concert – Live in Sibelius Hall”, we could be able to tour around the world. Let’s see how everything goes, but my dream for sure is to come to Argentina to perform with Harus one day.
138 – Do you feel a difference in the audiences’ reactions when you talk about Haurs and when you talk about your solo career?
People are in general very interested about Harus because it is something very unique and no one has done these kind of concerts before with such a combination of instruments like in Harus. This is also the first time that most of the people can see me performing more “serious” kind of music, so it makes them talk more.
139 – How important is the release of Harus in your career?
Everybody that has been in Harus concerts so far has discovered something different in music. The combination of organ, electric guitar, percussion and voice is very unique and I just love it. These is the reason why I wanted to make this first release happen so that everybody interested could feel and see the same. As weird as Harus is, we started our official career by releasing a live recording instead of a studio album!
140 – We know that the name Harus came from the old national traditions of Finland but why it is name for your new band? After all your metal-band still have name Tarja.
Harus is not a band, but instead an ensemble consisting of 4 Finnish musicians. Even though we have been making concerts together since 2006, we wanted to find a name for this ensemble when we finally decided to release our first recording.
141 – The coming soon edition includes the CD/DVD, can you tell us more about it?
In Europe the Harus release is available in CD, CD/DVD and CD/Blu-Ray formats. It includes a live concert that was filmed during our 2009 Christmas tour in Lahti, Finland. Everything is recorded and filmed from one night’s performance and nothing has been touched and modified later on, so you can really feel what was going on that night in Sibelius hall. Music in that concert is a mixture of classical pieces, traditional Finnish Christmas songs and internationally very known Christmas songs. With this first release we hope that we could get an opportunity to take our music abroad and make concerts also in other countries rather than only in Finland.
Paulo Coelho / Outlanders
142 – You’re known to be a huge fan of Paulo Coelho, you’ve written a song called The Reign based on The Alchemist and now you’ve created the song Outlanders which will be presented at a Paulo Coelho event in Helsinki. What is so special about Paulo Coelho and his books that gives you that much inspiration? What is your favorite book and why?
I love his way of writing about dreams and life in general. I have seen myself thinking many times the same way as he is writing in his books. After reading the first book The Alchemist I was blown away. Now I have read all Paulo’s books, even in different languages! It’s very hard to choose a favorite book from Coelho, but let’s just say now that my favorite one is Veronica Decides To Die. It is a great story about the importance of living in this moment as fully as you can.
143 – Another project that came to the surface these days is “Outlanders”. Please give us some details about it! Right now we haven’t heard anything from this project. Also, tell us about the inspiration, Paulo Coelho.
Outlanders is my project with Torsten Stenzel and the song called Outlanders is the first song I wrote for this duo. I have wanted to explore electronic music since I collaborated with Schiller few years ago, as that world seemed very inspiring to me. For Outlanders I want to use my voice as one of the instruments, not necessarily like a lied singer in the rock songs. I would love to make concerts with Outlanders one day with Torsten and Walter Giardino. Whenever we will have enough songs ready :)
I got in touch with author Paulo Coelho through his publisher from who I requested his permission to use his texts for my song. Later on the Finnish publishers of Paulo Coelho contacted me, as they wanted me to take part in their important Paulo Coelho event in Helsinki. I decided to present this song there. I have read all the books from Paulo and he has been the biggest inspiration for me in writing my lyrics.
144 – What is your favourite book and what kind of book would you most like to read?
I want to buy the new book Aleph from Paulo Coelho and read it on my next vacation in the end of this year. I need to have time to concentrate into it, so I don’t want to rush with it. I have read many interesting books in my life and I like to read biographies, thrillers, and novels.
145 – Would you like to release an album inspired by one of Paulo Coelho’s books?
Would be nice to do a soundtrack for a movie that is based in one of his books.
146 – What is it about the new project Outlanders? Will there be a whole album? Which style will the music be in?
Hopefully there will be an album one day from Outlanders, but there is no hurry for it. We are going to keep on writing material for this project as I have already started. The style of the music is electronic, chill out, mix of modern and vintage with a classical touch.
147 – Are you going to have a concert in Hungary during What Lies Beneath Final Tour in 2012?
Unfortunately there won’t be a show this time in Hungary. There was no interest from the local promoters to organize it.
148 – Would you like to take a tour in the space? If so, then where would you like to go exactly? If not, why?
I would like to visit the moon one day for a show! I was even joking with Kalevi from Harus couple of days ago that we could make a concert in the moon…his pedal work would be just a little bit slower :) Ha-ha.
149 – In March you’ll be in Italy again, but this time withsomething really special that your Italian fans have never seen before. Why did you decide to do a concert in atheatre? Can you anticipate us something about the show?
This is what I would love to do everywhere, but it has been hard to convince the promoters to book me shows in theatres. They whether don’t have the right contacts or they have been worried that my fans would break the theatre in pieces J that of course is very silly way of thinking! Every time I have been able to make my rock concerts in a theatre, it has been a great success and I have really enjoyed those shows. I am really looking forward for this concert in Milan. It will be magical! The concert is part of the Final tour with WLB album.
150 – If you play in Brazil again, will it be soon or in Rock in Rio in 2013?
Hopefully we can play some shows in Brazil for March 2012. I would love that! Also would be lovely to return to Rock in Rio with my band one day.
151 – Finally had the opportunity to have your classic album released here in Brazil, which allows some people who do not yet know your work, to know it. Will there be an opportunity for you to do, besides the rock tour here in Brazil, the classical Tour? How you imagine yourself performing for Brazilian fans with classic tour?
It would be a pleasure to come to Brazil for a classical tour. I have been performing there with Noche Escandinava many years ago, so I’ve seen the reaction from my fans already and how much they loved it. It would be just awesome to have an opportunity to return with my classical projects to Brazil.
152 – Have you ever thought about having Christmas concerts in South America and maybe singing Spanish or Portuguese versions of traditional songs like Happy Christmas (War is Over) and Silent Night?
That would be lovely. I don’t have anything against it.
153 – You will play in Bratislava after long 3 years, are you looking forward to this concert?
Slovakia has been the only country where I’ve been forced to cancel my shows in my career. So yes, I am really looking forward this concert. I have been missing my Slovakian fans and they are the reason why we scheduled the show for 2012 with a different promoter.
154 – When will Tarja do a full North America Tour?
I would love to. Unfortunately there are two ways to make a tour: Selling enough tickets to make it happen or having a record company to pay for the expenses. I know we could play in some cities like New York, Chicago and LA, but the promoters are not interested to do just few shows to start with.
Since MWS came out I had tried to get a proper promotion performing in radios and doing signing sessions, but until today, that has not been possible. I wish to make it happen for the next release.
155 – When on the road, what do you hate the most?
The fact that I cannot sleep well enough in the night liner. The first week is always difficult.
156 – Do you think there is a chance of having you in a symphonic performance in Germany one day? This might be a good opportunity to reach new fans.
I would just love the opportunity! I hope this could happen one day soon. With Beauty and the Beat we are planning a tour in 2013 and Germany has great orchestras, choirs and appropriated halls.
157 – In Berlin at the very first show of your solo career you had a near-accident-experience with one of your shoes. Are there any more memorable and probably funnier incidents you and yours are still telling and laughing about?
Oh I cannot even count how many of those kinds of “accidents” have happened to me. Once I started singing to my microphone without realizing that the microphone was upside down in my hand and no one could hear me. It took me just few seconds to realize this little embarrassing detail. Another time my black pants got broken exactly under the zip during the show and I was wearing yellow underwear…everybody in the audience could see those pants. I learned my lesson: No more yellow underwear’s!
158 – I want to ask you if there is a chance that we can see you again in Romania, at this time, in a new classic concert, like Sibiu 2005 was? After January 2011, of course.
I would love to return back to Romania to perform in a classical concert since my last visit in Sibiu was an amazing experience to me. I got a really warm welcome from my Romanian audience and fans at that time. I hope that something like that will happen in the near future too, perhaps with Harus, Beauty and the Beat or with my own classical concert. We will need to find the right promoter :)
159 – Last November 10th, on the presentation of your new Harus DVD you said “see you in March”. What do you mean?
I am going to have a tour in South America in March-April 2012. I am right now working closely with the promoters in order to close shows for Argentina. This time there won’t be a show in Buenos Aires again, but instead I want to make shows in different cities. Hopefully it will be possible. You will be informed about the concerts pretty soon.
160 – After so many years of performing for thousands of people do you still feel the same enthusiasm when you are on stage or even have butterflies in your stomach before a gig as when you started performing in your early years?
If I don’t feel the butterflies two minutes before the show, I need to get somebody to make me nervous somehow! I know, from my experience, that if I am not feeling that little nervousness before entering the stage, something will go wrong. It helps me to concentrate. Anyway, I am always way more nervous before my classical performances than before my rock shows.
161 – Which audiences you enjoyed most during your solo concerts from 2007 until now?
I cannot imagine that feelings of a fan that has paid the ticket in order to be in one my concerts in one country are different than the feelings of another fan in another country. Though fans do have different ways to express their emotions. The fans that have been more passionate in showing their feelings in my concerts have been Bulgarians in Europe and Argentineans in America.
162 – Are there any surprises in the set list for the WLB Final Tour?
The Final Tour will include songs from MWS that we haven’t played in a while and of course songs from WLB. At least one song from my previous band that I haven’t played since many years. We will also try during the rehearsals two brand new songs to be presented during the tour. Let’s see what happens :)
163 – As a fan of Tarja Turunen performing classical music and crossovers I would like to ask you: can we hear something from Noche Escandinava except the traditional Finnish Christmas songs on your Christmas concerts with your band Harus?
The idea of Noche is still existing since we are keeping in touch, but we don’t have any concrete plans for concerts yet.
164 – Returning to last summer, I want to ask you about a performance that surprised me to the depths of my soul! It’s Beauty and the Beat. Who was the author of this idea – you, Uncle Mike, or maybe promoters? Are you planning to do something like that in the future?
It was my idea to get together with Mike, orchestra and choir and to name the concert as “Beauty and the Beat”. Actually Mike had a dream ever since he recorded his classical album to perform live with a real symphonic orchestra. When I suggested this program to him, he immediately said yes. We are working on preparing a tour with the similar program for 2013.
165 – Beauty and the Beat, Rock in Rio with Angra, Savonlinna Opera Festival with Jose Cura – which of those performances was the most exciting for you. Which one will you remember for a long time?
All of them were very different events and in all of them I had a great time and loved the challenges involved.
166 – Which of your songs do you like performing on stage most?
All the songs that I am choosing for my set list are equally important. They all have a reason to be. As a performer I also get different feelings with my songs. They can as well differ from one performance to another depending on my mood, condition, the audience, the place, and the band’s performance.
167 – How do you create set list for gigs? According to what do you decide which Nightwish songs to include?
I have to give a lot of thought for the set lists always before the tours. I mainly want to create a show that keeps dynamic changes, has highlights as well as some songs that are less known. From Nightwish I choose songs, which could be fun to play, or songs that I just like, but I avoid performing the songs about me.
168 – It’s your 4th arrival to Ukraine (we’re waiting impatiently, by the way). It’s very interesting to know, what did you like from the last visits? (food, places, people, etc.) Maybe you have some funny stories happened while you’ve been in UA?
There was a tiger attacking us in the main square in Kiev! Not a real one though :). But the concert was beautiful and my fans very really welcoming. I was wearing for the first time an outfit with which I didn’t feel very comfortable. It was maybe too sexy… or that’s how it felt to me, so I was thinking about it too much. At the same time, I chose new high heels that night. Very nice ones, but for the performance, too high… but I managed to perform the songs good enough until the point of the clothes change.
Next Rock Album & Live DVD
169 – The WLB tour was based mainly on a black and white concept, and since you have taken the photos for the artwork of the next album in India, I was wondering whether we can expect a more colourful and vivid concept/outfits this time.
I chose India because of the photographer and his work and the idea behind the complete artwork. Is too early to tell you more about that photo shooting, but I can say that many of you will be surprised.
170 – Do you intend to release some album with a different multimedia content, to present to your fans?
This depends a lot more on the record company and what they feel is interesting to be released in different territories.
171 – When will you release your new rock album?
There is a plan to start recording the album next May. I still don’t know how long this production might take. But before that we hope to release a great live rock DVD.
172 – Will you make a special appearance with your new Metal album (as you did before with Scorpions)?
At the moment I am starting to think who are the guests I would like to have on my next album, but it is still too early to tell you more about it.
173 – We are really intrigued by the name of your new album. Is is defined yet? Can we know what does it refer to?
Even though many songs are written and the concept is absolutely clear for the new album already, this time I still don’t have a name for it.
174 – We’re also very curious about your new rock album! We know that you have already made the photo-shoot in India, but we’re guessing it to be a secret for now. However, what can we expect from the new album? Will you be working the same way as you did with What Lies Beneath?
I am sure I will be working on the production in a similar way than the last time with WLB. Maybe just the studios are changing, but I want to keep with me the team I’ve found in production. I trust their talent and input.
175 – How do the preparations for your third rock album going? Can you reveal anything, like maybe a working-title or the main-theme if there is one?
We will start the album recordings after The Final 2012 tour is over. I cannot tell you more about the album yet.
176 – And finally question about your new album. What it will be? How will it differ from WLB and MWS?
I don’t like to repeat the ideas of the songs and I like that my albums are not getting outdated. I always hope that each album can be standing out on it’s own. There are many songs written at the moment and everybody from the inner circle agrees that even though these songs are still demos, you can easily hear the progress from my previous albums to the forthcoming one.
177 – During the recordings for your album you travelled around the world seeking the best possible work, you worked with excellent musicians and you also have a huge number of fans among many artists. Do you have a project of recording a DVD with special guests, orchestras and other singers?
It would be lovely, but the complicated logistics and the high costs it will generate wouldn’t make it possible at this moment.
178 – What are your plans for this live DVD? We are really anxious for it.
I am planning to film and record a DVD from the Final tour with WLB album. We are at the moment preparing for it and I truly hope this will happen and see the light of day one day. We are planning some contests about it where I will ask the help of my fans to get some material we are planning to use. But I will let you know more about it soon.