Ave Maria (2015)
Coming soon ...
Luna Park Ride (2015)
1 - What made you want to film the Luna Park Ride? Mara
Actually we didn't film the LPR or the bonus material ourselves. When we released my fist live video “ACT I” we wanted to add something special for the limited Media Box Set. We got to know that the venue had arranged multi track recording of the show, so we sent the files to Tim Palmer and we got a great audio mix from the show.
But still we didn't have any images from the show!! So we asked the fans that have filmed the concert to send us their material and surprisingly got lots of great phone and small cameras’ footage from you. We only added the images filmed by cameras that were used for the screens during the show and we arranged the edition of the video. We were very happy with the result for a “non professional” video recording. It gives you a special feeling like if the listener would be among the crowd.
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Act I (2012)
Dear Fans,
Thanks for the interesting questions. Here are my answers.
With love, Tarja
1 - How did you choose the songs that were played? what made you choose some and leave out others? Valentine
I decided the songs for the DVD already in December 2011. This mainly because I wanted my band to be able to rehearse and perform all of the songs several times during the final tour with WLB album and get ready for the recordings without any additional pressure. I wanted to include both of my studio albums for the DVD and have a wide selection of songs from them on it.
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178 answers from Tarja
Life, art, dreams, music
1 – I followed with attention your career. Were you afraid of you start something that you have not done yet?
Every beginning is difficult and you always have to face something unknown, but it didn’t make me really nervous. I wanted to trust my own judgements, so it all went actually very well.
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My Winter Storm (2008)
Hi everybody,
I want to thank very much all the "Winter Storm" Fan Clubs around the world for the questions they sent me. I answered in most of the case questions that are not that frequently asked and those that were particularly interesting for me. No preference for any Fan Club in any country :).
It was fun replying them and they also gave me the chance to tell you some more news!
With love, Tarja
1 - What captivated you from Argentina for travel around the country? Martín
A country like Argentina has a lot to offer for a traveller. It has an immense amount of things to see and explore, with its captivating nature and interesting history. I have only seen a bit of it though. There are still lot to discover even though I’ve done 3 months travelling already. But the thing is that I don’t only love to travel in Argentina, I love travelling in different cultures and exotic places in general.